Welcome to D4TOYS website.
Updated on 15:30 7-Feb-2025

(3) Announcement on whether a product should come with batteries (15:30, 7-Feb-2025)


We have received enquiries about some products not being pre-installed with test batteries. We would like to eliminate doubts by making the following announcement.


We (D4 Toys Co., Ltd.) are owned and operated by the same group as Sentinel International Co., Ltd. and Lai Ga Toys Co., Ltd. All "Sentinel" and "Flame Toys" products sold on our website are new products sold directly by the brand.


Button batteries are prone to leak when left unused for a long time and cause damage to electronic parts. Therefore, all stock* may not have pre-installed batteries and may not come with insulation sheets. In most cases, the batteries will be packaged individually in small compartment plastic bags and stuck to the bottom of the blister storing the display stand.

*Since pre-order window of a collectible toy is relatively long, orders placed just 1 to 2 months before the official release date will use be using “stock”. I.e. Not all pre-orders come with batteries.


Besides, batteries may not be pre-installed nor included in orders to some regions due to transportation limitation.


(2) Order delivery/Aftersales service arrangements during Chinese New Year Holidays (10:00, 17-Jan-2025)


Orders of Stock items” received from 17-Jan to 7-Feb and Orders of “Pre-order items” that are officially released during the aforementioned period will be shipped out starting from 8-Feb.


Repair & replacement service in mainland China will be suspended from 17-Jan to 7-Feb and the processing of products sent for repair will be resumed on 8-Feb.

The customer service centre in Hong Kong handles aftersales service appointments as usual.


(1) Current exchange rate


For orders deliver to ALL countries, charges will be in currency Hong Kong dollars (HKD). The United States dollars (USD) price shown on the website is for reference only.

Current exchange rate on our website is USD:HKD = 1:7.8.

Note: Exchange rates are updated irregularly per international bank announcement. D4 Toys reserves all right to decide the exchange rate for orders placed on the site D4toys.com